Web 2.0 Technology

While some of the technology discussed on this blog is without a doubt, high-end.  There are a myriad of amazing things being done with the consumer level devices.



     Oblong's online community and resource page for coders and developers who wish to learn how to leverage their powerful multi-screen interfaces.

Kinect Eductation:


     Community devoted to developing education applications that utilize the Microsoft Kinect.  The site is driven by educators working to support the integration of technology into the modern classroom.  Resources are provided for teachers, students, and developers that emphasize exploration within the structure of public education.

Leap Motion, Inc.:


     Leap Motion is very aggressive in its recruiting of the public to help with the development of new apps and exploration of new uses for its Leap Motion Controller.  This kind of enthusiasm on the part of the developer seems like it can only be positive for the development of new means for interacting with our ever more technological world.

Video Sharing:

The most cursory of searches in a video-sharing site such as youtube will reveal a number of user-created applications, and innovative uses, for the available gesture-based devices.

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